Taking Early Retirement

I Retired Early | You Can Too!

May 7, 2016
by Jim

Jim Fortune’s Life Story – Page 1

New Skipper At The Helm

In October, 2015, Jeremiah’s wife Carol, asked me to take over the editorial duties of Taking Early Retirement and I agreed. Frankly I optimistically thought Jeremiah would be back by now. As you know, he is not back. I like to be positive, but I doubt that Jeremiah will be back for quite some time. The details are not for me to go into at this time or place.

But when Carol asked me to step in, and take the helm, I said yes. But like I said, I’ve been waiting. I’ve been working in the background of the website and changed the look and feel to make the web page mobile friendly. Google is going to start penalizing web pages that are not mobile friendly, so that change was necessary.

A little about me

I’ve felt a little odd about taking the helm, because unlike Jeremiah, I am not retired; far from it. I am retirement age, but for various reasons, I have decided to keep working. I am not collecting Social Security, or any company pension. I have my own company which is called PCGL. It is a holding company and I have other companies under the corporate umbrella in various ventures. I have tried my hand at writing newsletters, selling on Amazon; this was a product I used to sell on Amazon. Most recently I am working on lead generation and SEO (Search Engine Optimization). I am not looking for clients from this website, so you can relax.

Like Jeremiah, I am an Army veteran. I served in the U.S. Army and went to Viet Nam. I came home after six months in Viet Nam on a C-141 medivac. I spent almost three months in the hospital and was reassigned back to duty at Fort Carson, CO. I served two years on active duty, got out of the Army and made my home in Colorado Springs, CO, in 1969. I have lived here ever since. I got married in 1973 and because I was exposed to Agent Orange in Viet Nam, we were unable to have children.

I was a late bloomer and did not graduate from Regis University until May, 1991. I have two bachelor’s degrees – Computer Information Systems and Business Administration. I am four classes short of having my degree in Accounting.

I have a ten year year background in life insurance and annuities sales and a 10 year background in the stock market as a broker. I met Jeremiah at several investment conferences we both attended in Denver and Dallas. We struck it off right away and enjoyed many similarities in out backgrounds and approach to investing. Ever since our first meeting I have always called Jeremiah – JJ, even to this day.

Jeremiah has never used this website for financial gain. But the website incurs expenses to pay for hosting, daily backups, and other expenses. I am unable to take on the financial in addition to what is on my plate, so there will be changes in this area.

Affiliate Disclosure

You will note a page at the top of the website called Affiliate Disclosure. From time to time I will be mentioning products where we might make a small affiliate commission. Amazon does not do affiliate business in Colorado. So any links to Amazon will never be an affiliate link. I will always let you know when discussing a product where we might make a small commission on the sale. The commission will be used to pay for our expenses, so we can continue to keep the website operating. Again, I will always disclose when I am mentioning or recommending a product where we might make a small affiliate commission.

I should also let you know the affiliate commissions we make will not be hundreds of dollars. I think we might be lucky to make $50 a month if that. Also, by clicking an affiliate link, you are not going to be paying more for the product. The price you pay will be exactly the same price as if you had just gone to the web page and bought it without clicking on our link. But when you click on our link, you are helping Carol, Jeremiah and I keep the web page afloat.

Jeremiah started this website to help and reach young people to learn that they did not have to work their entire lives to be able to retire and take it easy. I will continue this venture with Jeremiah’s goal in mind.

For Taking Early Retirement (TER), I hope you are enjoying a great retirement or are close to that day!

Jim Fortune

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November 11, 2015
by Jim

Veteran’s Day 2015

On behalf of Carol and Jeremiah John, I would like to send a message to all of our veterans for their service to our country.

Thank You!

For Taking Early Retirement (TER), I hope you are enjoying a great retirement or are close to that day!

Jim Fortune

October 24, 2015
by Jeremiah

Editorial Change for Taking Early Retirement

Hello –

I regret to inform you, my husband Jeremiah was in an auto accident, last February 2014. His car was hit by a hit and run driver who was never caught or arrested. There were two eye witnesses, but they gave conflicting reports to the police and neither of them got a license plate number.

The Taking Early Retirement website has been waiting for Jeremiah to return, but it appears this might not happen for another year or even longer.

A close friend of ours, Jim Fortune, has offered to sit in for Jeremiah, until Jeremiah is able to sit up and make contributions to the web page and blog on a regular basis.

Unlike Jeremiah, Jim is not retired and still has a full time job, but he assures us that he will work closely with Jeremiah and post for Jeremiah in his absence. He will assume all of the editorial duties, until such time as Jeremiah is able to return.

Thank you for the e-mails we have received inquiring about Jeremiah and asking if the web site is going to continue. Your well wishes are appreciated.

For Taking Early Retirement (TER), I hope you are enjoying a great retirement or are close to that day!

Thank You!

For Taking Early Retirement (TER), I hope you are enjoying a great retirement or are close to that day!

Carol for Jeremiah John

February 22, 2015
by Jeremiah

Taking Early Retirement – These 3 Pictures are worth 3,000 words

A picture is worth 1,000 words, correct? I have heard that before and I’m sure you have too. So take a look at these three pictures:

Jan - Nov - 2012

Jan – Nov – 2012

So this picture must also be worth 1,000 words, am I correct:

Jan - Nov - 2013

Jan – Nov – 2013

And lastly, this picture must also be worth 1,000 words:

01-03-14 to 12-05-14

01-03-14 to 12-05-14

I am not going to ask you to describe these pictures, but looking at them will tell you what I have been doing for the past three years. Picture 1 is 2012. It shows the result of my portfolio vs. the S&P 500. Picture 2 is 2013. And picture 3 is 2014.

I always take the month of December off since there is always a lot of tax selling going on and traders are not in the office all day long due to the holidays. Stay tuned for a post on a new program I am introducing and maybe you can make these types of gains too.

For Taking Early Retirement (TER), I hope you are enjoying a great retirement or are close to that day!

Jeremiah John