Taking Early Retirement

I Retired Early | You Can Too!

Taking Early Retirement – Part Time Jobs


Does this sound familiar?

“Do you feel chained to your desk – at a job you don’t like – by the reality of having to earn money?

Most of us trade our time for money.

We may make a very nice living doing that … but we are never truly free as long as we punch a time clock – or have a boss telling us what to do.

We have to get up early in the morning every day … commute in the cold and dark … and put in long hours making money for someone else.

In the old days, you could at least look forward to your retirement freeing you from the drudgery (slavery?) of being a paid laborer.

But for many, the release from obligation – and the opportunity to begin living your “second life” – that retirement brings is a dream deferred further and further into the future.

Today, you need at LEAST a million dollars in invested assets … with no consumer debt … to retire comfortably.

But, after giving back $8 trillion in wealth to the market after the crash of 2000, many investors have fallen “behind the curve” on our retirement savings goals.”

It occurred to me, this past summer, that many people feel this way too. I know that I used to feel this way when I was younger. But when I was 25 or 26, I decided I wanted to retire early like my cousin Tom. I started planning and saving and investing.

You can read my story, but when I started to gain control of my finances and my future, I got progressivley stronger and stronger. I had a plan and could see the end of the rainbow.

I admit that I was not ready to retire when I got my pink slip a year ago. I still wanted to work for another five years, until I was 57, to get all of my ducks in a row.

It was not to be. I am not starving. But I still need $500,000 for some toys and “nice to haves”. This summer, renting an RV, reminded me that one of my dreams was to have my own rig and not have to rent one.

I wanted to get a nice 40 footer from Monarch and pay cash for it. I also wanted a little summer cabin near Grand Teton, Yellowstone, WY or Glacier National Park in MT. I also wanted a small investment account with $100,000 in it so I could use my earnings to pay for fuel and upkeep on the cabin each year.

So this summer I started looking around. I’m looking for something that can create passive income. I want to do it once and collect income over and over. I invite you to take a look at this website The New Retirement Plan and see if you see something that sparks your curiosity.

I heard about Bob Bly over 20 years ago and have several of his books on my bookcase. I have always been interested in copy writing and thought maybe I could take up the trade once I retired, to make a little $$ and to keep my mind sharp. So when I found about that Bob was offering this course, it sounded like something I should take a look at.

I don’t know if I can believe the income claims on the web site, but I have four more years to reach my goal and if I can make ½ of what he claims, I will be very happy.

This is a physical product that you’ll get in the mail, not some e-book download. So if you are outside of the US, this might not be for you. But if the beginning of this post struck a cord with you, I invite you to take a look at The New Retirement Plan this offer.

It comes with a 90 days money back guarantee, which is 50% more time than most of the other offers I have seen on the Internet. At the minimum, you send the product back and get your money returned. At the maximum, you find out that you have options that you never thought you had before. Take the time to see if this offer is for you.


For Taking Early Retirement (TER), I hope you are enjoying a great retirement or are close to that day!

Jeremiah John

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