Taking Early Retirement

I Retired Early | You Can Too!

Benefits of Taking Early Retirement


I’ll tell you one of the benefits I like about Taking Early Retirement and that is I can take a few weeks off and put my feet up and not do anything. I’m not sure how to spell it but I call it sit around and “veg”. That would be “veg” like a vegetable.

I will admit it. I’ve not written any articles, I’ve not made any blog posts, I haven’t answered any e-mails, I haven’t done anything since May 22nd.

I’ve been bad, there I said it. But you know, that is one of the benefits about being retired. I am not sure I can list off 100 things I like about retirement, but one of them has to be that I can sit on my duff (for you reading this from outside the States, that is a euphuism for sitting on my behind or sitting on my fanny) and just get up in the morning and go to bed at night and not do anything. I haven’t been able to sit on my duff for more than a month. I start feeling guilty that I should be doing “something”.

The last time I posted an article was May 22nd. That was almost three weeks ago. So not quite a month – three weeks on Saturday. So I guess it is really two weeks and four days as of today.

It was nice. Let me give you the highlights of those two weeks and four days. We left Santa Fe on May 26th and went to Bloomington, IL. It was an interesting trip and I was hoping that we would miss the rain and tornado weather. We did. I was very nervous on Memorial Day when there was bad weather in Guymon OK and Elkhart KS but we made it home without hail or any funnel clouds. We got back home on June 1st. Last Friday we had margaritas on our back deck.

Our daughter had been taking care of “the boys” – Sam and Rick and we just sat around and talked about the trip and what we did. Sam and Rick are our cats. They are supposed to be my daughter’s cats. She found them on the street and brought them home but she can’t take them with her when she goes away to college, so we are holding them until some time when she gets her own place and can take them back.

But we really know that will not happen. Sam and Rick sleep on the bed with us and although they are her cats, we feed them, pay the vet bills and they snuggle up to us in the winter on cold days.

We really didn’t do anything, but my daughter likes the fact that we sit with her, with margaritas in hand, and tell her what we did or didn’t do. She thinks her Mom and Dad are cool.

As part of her degree program, she is doing an internship at a local company, and she was telling us about how tough it is getting up every day to drag herself into the office. Poor kid. We feel for her. 🙂

I wish I could say that we had some exciting tale to tell on vacation. We don’t. For me, the exciting thing was that we didn’t have anything exciting happen on the trip.

While away and when I got home, I did put the final touches on a retirement investment course I made up to help people who would like to invest for retirement, but are lacking in the proper investment education.

I also got a domain name registered, which is sort of like getting a web site, but is just a name right now. I’ll let you know about it next month and give you the web site address so you can take a look at it and see what you think.

I will be giving Taking Early Retirement newsletter subscribers a discount on the course, so if you think you might be interested in an investment course, sign up for the newsletter in the upper right hand corner of the first page.

I am not going to SPAM you if you sign up for the newsletter and you could save some money on the course. Oh – my lawyer friend tells me that I need to tell you that if you sign up for my investment course, I will make money on your subscription. It seems obvious, but I need to let you know.


For Taking Early Retirement (TER), I hope you are enjoying a great retirement or are close to that day!

Jeremiah John

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